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Being sponsored by Orta Anadolu, me and my team produced a denim brand that was showcased at Kinpings Trade Show as a collaborative project.

TC/928 is a denim brand that incorporates multi-functional features, giving the garment synergy and a multi-functional purpose, reflecting the way time connects all space and its living things. It also sources its inspiration from aviation, smooth transitions and circular lines are seen in this field and reiterated in the designs.

Time is illusory, and reality is not made up of anything more than the energy of conscious thought. When we die, the dreams we have created for ourselves will come to an end, then we wake up to what is real. It is only in our dreams that we release our unconscious thoughts, suggesting consciousness is just an illusion. We play an illusionary game of reveal and conceal, where the truth is behind the lies, or the lies are conveyed within the truth.

Illusory lies

Misubi is a Japanese knot made for braiding decorative and functional cords. Misubi represents the flow of time as it converges, takes shape, twists and tangles, sometimes unravels, breaks and then connects again. It also signifies the proliferation of life and spirit, its essence gathers and connects people through time and space. Spaces attract people, allowing them to connect with one another. 

Misubi - the knot of time 

Every society categories play on the basis of its mores. Play which is right is recreation,play which is wrong is vice. If you did not have enough "play" as a child, you are more likely to become self-destructive as an
adult. Hence, the "play" acts as an important role in our nature. The child that did not enjoy pleasure and comfort struggles to deal with the restriction from modern society,leading to a misleading restoration of forced pleasure.

Child's Play

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